Web development

Web development

Web development is the procedure of creating a Web application or Website. There are two areas of Web Development. Let's talk about them.


This is what the user sees and interacts with on the page. Design, visual elements, schemes - the whole front end. The tasks of the frontender - to make a site that will solve the owner's tasks, work equally correctly on all devices, regardless of the browser and screen size and at the same time will be convenient for the user. Basic tools: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Suitable for those who are meticulous about details and want to see the result of their work immediately.


The invisible part of the website. The backend developer is responsible for what is hidden from the user's eyes and runs on the server. For example: creates databases and programs that will write information to the database; encrypts passwords and valuable information; configures accesses and data backup system; writes programs that process information invisible to the user.There are several programming languages for backend: PHP, Ruby, Python or Node.js. Backend development requires database management systems: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite or MongoDB.

Whether you choose frontend or backend, you will have to interact with web pages. To do this, you need to learn HTML and CSS.


HTML — Это язык гипертекстовой разметки. Отвечает за структуру и содержание страницы. Он состоит из тегов, а тег состоит из имени, заключённого между знаками «меньше» и «больше». Например: <h1>, <p> и <ul>.Вспомните, как вы работаете с документом в текстовом редакторе. Пишете текст, фрагменты выделяете курсивом или цветом, вставляете картинки или таблицы. Веб-разработчик делает то же самое в редакторе кода с помощью тегов.Вместо расширения *.txt тут используется *.html. Оно даёт понять браузеру, что внутри файла находится код веб-страницы. Браузер разбирает его структуру, определяет взаиморасположение элементов и визуализирует их.


CSS is a language that is used to style your markup. For example: make text red, left-align, round the corners of an image, play with fonts, indent more or less.


JavaScript is a browser-based programming language for frontend development. All popular browsers support it. Every website, every web application you've ever used contains JavaScript code. It is often recommended for beginners to learn because it is quite simple, but contains all the fundamental things: object-oriented model and data structures.It is used to liven up HTML pages: add user action processing or interesting visual effects to the page. It can even be used to paint pictures on canvas. The possibilities of using JavaScript are limited only by your imagination and browser support. Don't confuse it with Java, they are completely different languages.


PHP is a server-side programming language used by backenders. When you open your page in a social network and enter your login-password, the computer forms a request with your data and sends it to the server. On the server side PHP receives information from the database, which also lies on the server and forms your page: it sends to the frontend name, photo, fills in the fields. The result is in the form of ready HTML and sent to your browser.PHP is not the most complex language, but to unlock all its capabilities, you will need to learn other technologies. For example, working with databases: the language SQL, as well as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite or MongoDB.Database - this is the place where the site data is stored. It can be page texts, lists of users with their logins and passwords, product catalogues and much more. PHP is used to write server logic for online shops, booking services, and large projects used by millions of people: Wikipedia, VKontakte, and Facebook.
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