When you type any query of interest into the search box, you click on the first two or three links of the search engine to get the answer. This is the top results, and the key task of search engine optimization specialists is to bring the site to the top.
There are many factors that influence whether a site will get to the TOP. Text quality is one of them. SEO-analysis of the text will help to assess it. What is text analysis? In this article we will just consider what is seo text in general and how to do text analysis yourself.
What is the point of SEO analysis of text?
SEO-analysis of the text is an analysis with the help of which you can check the compliance of the text with the requirements of Google and Yandex systems.
Of course, search engines do not disclose their requirements in the monthly email newsletter, so it is almost impossible to know them. However, it is known for sure: to bring pages to the top of the search results you need to observe behavioral factors, that is, the activity of visitors on the site. For example, if a person goes to the page of the site, long study the texts, involved in several pages - this is a good indicator, if he leaves the pages within 10-20 seconds - this is a bad indicator. In order for the site to have good behavioral factors, the text must be made high-quality and optimized.
As for quality, the text should be clear, readable, without spelling and punctuation errors. And most importantly: the text should be useful and answer the user's request as accurately as possible.
The text should be optimized. This means that it should contain search queries that users enter in the search strings of Yandex and Google. Without them, the site may be ranked worse in search results, as the page may not seem relevant enough to the search query.
Remember that having optimized text does not guarantee getting to the top of the search results, it is influenced by many other factors, such as the technical health of the site, site load speed, external links, competitive content and others.
How to analyze text? Use SEO-analysis. It will just help to check the quality of the text and optimize it. How to analyze the text yourself - read further in our article.
How to conduct SEO-analysis of the text on your own?
You can analyze the text by many parameters, but now we will touch only on the most important ones: uniqueness, water content, spam, and we will also talk about the semantic core.

What is seo text? It is a text optimized for search engines Yandex and Google. SEO-text is analyzed by many parameters, and uniqueness is one of the key ones. A unique SEO text is a text that is unlike any other text on the Internet.
How to analyze the text and check it for uniqueness? Use the services Text.ru or Advego. The uniqueness parameter is defined in percent. If after checking you will see a low percentage of uniqueness, then the text or its fragments were copied from competitors, and if the percentage of uniqueness will be high, then the text was written independently. Remember, a text with low uniqueness is ranked worse by search engines, and the use of unique texts makes SEO-promotion more effective.
Does SEO text have to be 100% unique? No, it does not have to be. Now in the terms of reference for a copywriter to write texts for websites it is enough to be 95% unique.
Water content
Water content is the ratio of the number of words in the text: words that do not carry meaning to the total number of words.
How to analyze the text and determine the water content parameter? Like uniqueness, it varies in percentage: a high water content percentage means that the text contains a lot of “unimportant” words for SEO. Such texts are really not easy to read.
However, parts of speech such as pronouns and prepositions are sometimes considered to be meaningless words. Check and try not to use them in your writing. It will be a mistake! Such a text will also be difficult to understand, which will negatively affect behavioral factors, which are important for SEO-promotion.
We suggest sticking to an optimal water content of 50-55%, which will help make your texts not too “watery” and not too “dry”.
SEO-articles must contain keywords: this is how users will be able to find your material in the search engine. However, the number of key phrases should be reasonable.
Spamming shows how often the same search queries or common words are present in your text. The higher the spamming parameter, the more similar words and phrases there are in your document. This worsens the readability of the text, which negatively affects behavioral factors.
In the Adwego service, spamming is called nausea. In Adwego, the optimal indicator is up to 9%, in text.ru - up to 60%.
How to analyze your text and reduce the spam index? You can do this by selecting synonyms or increasing the volume of your text. And you can calculate the volume of key phrase occurrences based on competitors from the top of the search results.
Semantic core
Semantic core (SC) - a set of keywords and phrases for search engine promotion of the site.
Properly composed SN will make your site attractive to users and to search engines. Users will be able to find you on the Internet, as search queries reflect the subject of the company's activities, and search engines will understand what the content is about and show it to users using relevant queries.
To do this, keywords from SN should be used in the content on the page, in meta tags and subheadings, in the alt attribute for images. Only in this case the site will be ranked.
The presence of keys in the text should also be considered when analyzing the text, as their presence or absence, their number and word forms directly affect the relevance of the content on the page and, accordingly, the position of the site in the search engine.
SEO promotion is a good tool to attract customers from the search engine. It can be used to create evergreen content and bring organic traffic for years.
If you want to improve your website ranking through SEO, there is a solution. “SEO Optimization by Gulian Digtial” is the best value for money. Make an appointment for a consultation now!