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What is rewriting

Copywriting is the creation of a new article based on existing texts. Here the main thing to understand the line between a copywriter and a rewriter. The first, has the right, and moreover - should, to build its own concept of the issue at hand, and rewriter, is forced to adhere to the topic of the source material and minimize their own opinion in the text. At the same time, in the context of webwriting, the text in rewriting should also be unique.
Roughly speaking, the rewriter must remake the original text or texts, so that to retain all the meaning and message, but search engines considered it unique. Ways to turn the original into a rewriting (product of rewriting), several:
1. synonymizing - replacing individual words with their synonyms;
2. reduction of the text by means of deleting words that do not carry a semantic load or do not entail a change in the main idea when they are deleted;
3. partial revision with changing the structure of the article - more applicable to large texts, where it is possible to rearrange structural blocks, as well as sentences, without losing the overall meaning;
4. classical revision - when each sentence is rewritten differently, leaving the main meaning of the original;
5. deep rewriting - only basic data is taken from the original, and the text itself is written and structured completely in the way the rewriter considers necessary.
Self-rewriting, most often used in two cases: saving on content or when you need to use the data “source”. The cost of rewriting, lower than copywriting, so webmasters often use it to fill their sites, at minimal cost. Basically, such masters are interested in earning traffic and readers' love for texts, not the most important indicator. In the category of savings, you can also bring filling sites that do not practice earning at the expense of the network. This can be, for example, business card sites, with minimal information about their owner. The second main customer of rewriting is news resources. For them it is very important to keep all the details of the described event, without fantasies and reflections of the author - for which rewriting is perfectly suited.

Types of copywriting and rewriting texts - in original and Runet

Given the confusion of terms and the habit of Runet users to simplify everything, many bloggers, advertising and copywriting studios do not bother with the correct interpretation of this or that type of activity, and just repeat what the crowd is used to. My goal is to break the vicious circle, in which the misconception of one, grows into the mistakes of others. So that you do not get confused between the truth and the errors that are actively taking root, I will clearly distinguish the parent terms of the English-speaking segment of the Internet (from which everything is born), with those that appeared on “our expanses”.
Copywriting - in English-speaking networks, this term, absorbed a number of marketing and advertising activities directly related to the writing of texts. That is, the real face of copywriting (copywriting) is the texts for: mailing (paper) and Internet mailings, print advertising in magazines and newspapers, advertising on the Internet, TV and radio commercials along with the script, press releases, posts in social networks and blogs, billboards and any advertising attributes, from cups and T-shirts, to slogans on cars and airships.
Copywriting - for the expanses of the CIS, this word, basically, carries only one meaning - a unique text to put on the Internet. Writing a unique on search engines and meet the requirements of the customer text, at “us” - it's copywriting. I'll be honest - it's good if you know the real origin and meaning of the term, but in practice, even in the largest copywriting exchanges, it will not help you. All because they for ease of moderation, they use terms as convenient to them and understandable to the bulk of users.
Rewriting - this termite, in English, touches the fields of computer science, mathematics and linguistics. We are interested only in the latter area. If we do not go into details, the word rewriting partially conveys the meaning of its Russian-language counterpart.
Rerating - in the CIS, this word refers exclusively to the processing of text materials and nothing else. Texts in rewriting are not created from scratch, but already written texts are taken as a basis, and work is done on them.
SEO-copywriting - if we consider this word combination in our realities, it implies writing unique text for the site, with the mandatory introduction of keywords and phrases in it, in order to increase relevance from the point of view of search engines. In our country, the line between SEO-copywriting and ordinary copywriting is very thin. On the same exchanges, often in different categories there are technical tasks of similar meaning. That is, may be in SEO-copywriting ask to enter the keys in a certain way and in the category of ordinary copywriting, the same task. Interestingly, even if you deliberately did not enter the keys, but the article is uploaded to the site and it is open for indexing, it can be considered SEO-copywriting. The fact is that regardless of the quality of the text and its preparation for the tastes of search robots, it unwittingly carries various keys and ranking factors of search algorithms.
To summarize on SEO-copywriting - to any copywriting and rewriting, you can apply the prefix SEO, if the text is open for indexing to search engines - the question is only in the level of relevance.
Speechwriting- is the writing of texts for speeches in front of an audience. For the most part, such services are used by politicians, but big businessmen and even public figures, also do not mind to shine with eloquence in front of their audience. Therefore, such work, can bring a high income. Specific figures will depend on the employer and your authority in certain circles.
Posting - involves writing small notes, comments (posts) on social networking pages, blogs and websites. The work is not difficult, but it is poorly paid.
Translations - can also be attributed to a type of copywriting, and the essence of the task is to translate the text from one language to another. This kind of activity pays well, and for a quality translation, you can get several times more than for ordinary copywriting.
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